AHS identifies 100-year-old toy found at 1860s farmhouse

During restoration work at Willard’s Farm, one of the oldest surviving farms and residences within the Redlands on Brisbane’s bayside, a contractor found a small stone toy. The team at Australian Heritage Specialists was able to research and identify the toy, which is around 100 years old! 

The 1860s Willard’s farmhouse is a rare, intact example of early settlement in the region, showcasing the bush carpentry techniques common at the time. The milking shed, cream shed and outbuildings also retain a high degree of original integrity, offering a unique glimpse into the region’s early dairy farming practices.  

During restoration work at Willard’s Farm, one of the oldest surviving farms and residences within the Redlands on Brisbane’s bayside, a contractor found a small stone toy. The team at Australian Heritage Specialists was able to research and identify the toy, which is around 100 years old! 

“We were called in to identify the toy, which was an incredible discovery we believe could date back to as early as 1920,” AHS Director, Benjamin Gall said. 

“After researching the toy, we established it was likely produced by Britian’s Ltd as part of their post-WW1 shift away from military subjects. 

“Toy figures like this one were prolific after WW2, but by then the casting and modelling techniques had improved, offering more detailed sculpting. 

“So, this one was most likely made between 1920 and 1940, and it has well and truly stood the test of time!” 

Redland City Council plans to store the toy with other precious artefacts found during the Willard’s Farmhouse restoration, ready for public display once the project is complete.  

“Council was delighted when a contractor found the toy farmer figure, which is thought to be at least 80 years old and probably belonged to one of the children or grandchildren of the farmhouse,” a Redland City Council spokesperson said.  

“The restoration of Willard’s Farm is being carried out carefully and sensitively in accordance with a formal heritage management plan, and workers have unearthed some rare treasures like our toy farmer figure without incurring any additional damage.”  

“All historically valuable and interesting finds are being carefully stored and recorded by the heritage consultants, ready for future public display.” 

Willard’s Farm will sit at the heart of the 62-hectare Birkdale Community Precinct (BCP), the largest community project ever delivered by the Redland City Council. The AHS team has had extensive involvement in the project since the beginning, undertaking archaeological excavations, offering detailed heritage design and master planning advice, and even delivering a Cultural Heritage Handbook for the site. 

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