AHS supports clean energy future

Australian Heritage Specialists (AHS) has been actively engaged in the nation’s renewable energy transition, having assisted with a significant number of major solar and wind farm projects so far. 

As Australia pursues clean energy at a rate of watts, aiming to achieve net zero by 2050, renewable electricity generation has doubled across the past decade and it is showing no signs of slowing down. In fact, solar and wind are set to surpass coal as the top energy source globally in 2024.  

Behind the scenes of large-scale wind, solar, and hydro farms are heritage specialists like us, completing the required Cultural Heritage Assessments to ensure Australia’s cultural and indigenous heritage is protected. 

So far, we have assisted and continue to work on many of Queensland’s landmark wind farm projects including operations at Dullacca, Theodore, Bogandilla, and Moah Creek (among others), and are working on New South Wales (NSW) projects currently as well. AHS have also been involved in Hydropower and Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) projects. 

The AHS difference 

AHS is your trusted renewable project partner offering the skills and frameworks to assist you in meeting your cultural heritage and native title duties on the land you operate. 

We are typically engaged during the early stages of renewable projects to produce Cultural Heritage Risk Assessments outlining the risk scores, management measures and compliance requirements for both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal cultural heritage. 

We bring the skills, frameworks and close working relationships with Traditional Owners to ensure asset owners are fulfilling their obligations for the life of the project – with the success of renewable projects hinging on the management of Aboriginal cultural heritage and native title matters. 

Proponents must ensure that the development of new renewable energy projects does not adversely affect cultural heritage, which is where we come in. AHS conducts the necessary assessments and offers strategic advice to ensure our clients meet relevant Federal, State and Local legislative requirements under their cultural heritage duty of care. 

End-to-end support 

Many of the large-scale projects we have been involved with require ongoing cultural heritage management, with AHS offering on-site support and regular consultation with Traditional Owners. 

While our work starts during the early feasibility stage, it usually continues through the design and construction phases, and even into the post-construction life of renewable projects. 

The energy sector in Australia is undergoing a once-in-a-lifetime transition as we pursue a future powered by renewables, and with each megawatt produced so too is carbon reduced. 

While new the renewable energy sector is creating jobs, cleaning the air we breathe and of course offering profound environmental benefits for future generations, it is important this transition is undertaken with Traditional Owners and Australia’s cultural heritage in mind so that it can be protected for current and future generations 

For more information on AHS and for a free consultation with one of our award-winning consultants, contact us today via our website at ahspecialists.com.au or phone (07) 3221 0000.